Technically I guess its Day 2. Wait no 3. Yeah its 3. It is however Day 1 of when we actually had a few minutes to not only buy a snack or two but also enjoy them in relative peace and calm (relative to a normal day where my son just isn’t having us stand around and enjoy anything).
Let’s look at what we had.

The Empanada from the Caribbean booth was great. Without getting too technical, there was some good meat, a nice flaky shell and some tomato aioli. Definately the highlight of what we got to try this time through. A 5.50, I feel like it was reasonable for what you get vs. what you’re going to pay at the festival. I heard this recommended a bunch of times and agree its pretty great.

The tostada from Mexico was another dish that got some pretty rave reviews everywhere I saw. I thought it was super disappointing. At, 6.50 it was more expensive than the empanada but seemed much smaller. In addition to what we felt already was kind of a small plate, there was a fairly large chunk of fat/gristle that left even less edible meat. What was left did taste good, but if I had to do it over again I’d get another empanada and save a buck.

Mexico just when I thought you couldn’t possible be any less tasty, you go and do something like this…
and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF. This stuff was good, real good. Not overpoweringly sweet or chocolatey, just the right amount of both I’d say. It had a different, I don’t know, internal makeup if that makes sense of any other bread pudding I’ve had (this one was more spongey I think) but man was it good.
And that was it for Day 1 (or 3)! We look forward to getting back for a few more dishes soon (namely the cold ramen and the ravioli) but first we have a trip to DISNEYLAAAAAAAND.