So I’m on my Way to Burbank with my wife for 5 days of wedding events and Disneyland. I’ve never been to California before (I rarely leave Florida if I can help it) so equal parts nervous and excited to see how they throw down 3 hours in the past.
We got to the airport with like an hour before our flight was scheduled to take off. In what can only be considered divine providence, my wife noticed I was granted TSA Pre-Check on my ticket. I’ve never had this before so therefore never used it, but before I go into it can I just say; how the hell did I get this? I have no security clearance that I know of. I have never voluntarily turned blood samples over to the federal government. I mean I do fly from time to time and I’ve never been thrown off an aircraft so I have that going for me, but like, I thought this was for vetted travelers? I was contemplating paying the fee and doing the dance to get it full before this “free-view” but now I’m kinda leaning back to my belief that this is a scam and I’m not giving you 85.00 based on general principle. That being said though, it’s pretty sweet.
Ok so we get to security and gen pop looks like..

But like I said I have pre-check so I moonwalk past the plebs and into the trusted persons who paid 85 bucks line. It was at this point I started the timer. So from the time I came to a stop in the pre-check line until I was on the other side we’re looking at…

So yeah TSA Pre-Check might be a huge scam that they just give away sometimes but man did it make getting through security wayyyyy easier than it ever has been for me before. Disclaimer, I have heard that they can still make you take your shoes off and put them on your head or whatever just like they do in gen pop, but it happens infrequently from what I understand.
Also worth mentioning is that you may get pre-check approved and not even notice it. My wife noticed it and even if I had seen it I’d of thought I was being marked for additional security measures, not less. They don’t really tell you at all that you’ve got this, you have to look for it on your boarding pass.

That’s where it will be.
So yeah, definitely recommend TSA Pre-check if you fly even a little bit.