For some, photography is a hobby where they can display their artistic vision or capture precious moments. For me, photography is a stress inducing obsession with making sure I capture every single moment/action/object and painstakingly cataloguing them only to never actually look at them again. This series will be an attempt to actually share some of this stuff finally.

With all of the changes Epcot is currently going through, it got me nostalgic for the days of giant wands, topiary dinosaurs and monoliths in their heyday. Below are a few images I took (on what in some images appears to be a poorly functioning potato) of Epcot during a trip sometime in 2005. I fully understand not a one of these images is worthy of a watermark, but I spent good money on Adobe Photoshop Elements and I have to use it for something.

A nice, albeit rainy shot of the view upon entering the park. Magic Wands and monoliths in their glory.
Did you ever feel like the positioning of UoE kinda breaks the flow of that side of the park? It was intentional.! The orientation of the building enabled the solar panels on the roof to get the best exposure to the Florida sun.
¿Dónde está La Hacienda de San Angel? No se abre en este lugar por otros diez años. (I used Google Translate if any of that doesn’t make sense)
This photo predates the the Arendelle-Norway War. The Arendellians(ites?), victorious in their conquest, erected new structures to pay homage to their witch queen.
Hey remember when you could actually move in this court yard?
It’s just as jarring on the other side of the lake!
The gardens behind Japan.
Oh Canada I thought you were fine!
The not so mysterious front side of water
Just a wall
Even though they aren’t there, you still hear them don’t you? Me too.

Hope you enjoyed them!