I love POWER. I love RANKING and being RANKED. It makes total sense (to me anyway) that I would love POWER RANKINGS so much. Lets POWER RANK some parks.
- Hollywood Studios– What a difference 6 months can make. 6 months ago you couldn’t get me to come to this park for a half day let alone have it at the top of my POWER list. Why is it at the top? First things first I’m a huge fan of overlays. I think every park should be decorated for every holiday. Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Independence Day, Arbor Day, My birthday, etc.. Hollywood Studios has some great Christmas decorations that remind me of my grandmothers decorations and really what says Christmas more than grandmas. Next, we have Galaxy’s Edge/Batuu/Star Wars land. Now, Batuu doesn’t seem to celebrate the holidays (yet I can only hope) and initially I wasn’t even that huge of a fan of the land (even though I love the Star Wars). There’s something about it though that keeps me coming back and wanting more and more. I find myself making an excuse to get to DHS to hang out in Galaxy’s Edge every time I’m out in Orlando now. The land has an incredible amount of atmosphere and detail that just sort of draws you in. That and the green milk. And the blue milk. I don’t even like milk but the milk on Batuu is legit. Last but not least, DHS has the Baseline Tap House which I love.
- Magic Kingdom– The only thing better than the Magic Kingdom at Halloween is the Magic Kingdom at Christmas. I’m pretty sure you can see Cinderellas Castle from SPACE when its lit up. It’s something else.
- Animal Kingdom– I haven’t been to AK in months but it still has to be better than Epcot right now.
- Epcot– What have they done to my boy? Epcot, for the longest time, FOREVER, was my favorite park. Now it’s been reduced to an overpriced after hours nightclub only its not after hours at all its noon on a Tuesday. How many different variations of “drinking team” can you put on a T-Shirt?
Here’s a sweet visual representation: