Can’t really write a travel blog when you can’t travel. I’d write about fitness but I’m about to hang myself with my own resistance bands so that won’t work. This space is prepaid though so, lets just talk about the random things you never knew you needed when the world is ending.

Oh Shop Vac, this isn’t the first time you’ve been there for me. You were there when I flooded my apartment. You were there when I flooded my house. You’ve been there every time the job has called for 6.5 HP of suction. Now here we are, at the end of the world, and you’re there for me again.

Have the rains come? Will I vainly attempt to vacuum up the torrents sent to wash away the world of man?

No. My kid is home from school for I don’t know how long and I’ve resorted to following him around with a Shop Vac because it’s just easier than sweeping all this stuff up. That and I’m pretty sure he hides the dustpan.

So I salute you, Shop Vac, and thank you for riding shotgun as we careen toward a preschool-free hellscape littered with discarded cereal boxes and rain the color of blood (I think its blackberry juice).